Godzilla 70th Anniversary Marathon
Join us in celebrating the world’s favourite reptilian, amphibious kaiju. Over one glorious night, via seven films marking 70 years, MIFF will be showcasing him in all his glory.
From the Showa era, futuristic Destroy All Monsters and Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla, both featuring aliens intent on world destruction (the second with apes!); and the first of the Heisei era, The Return of Godzilla, which ignores all previous films and acts as direct sequel to the original; to the strong ecological message of Godzilla vs Mothra; the absolutely bonkers mayhem of the millennium-era Godzilla, Mothra and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack; and the widely acclaimed Shin Godzilla, the first in the Reiwa era. Plus, kicking off proceedings will be the original 1954 film, gloriously restored in gigantic 4K. ROARRRR!